21-day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge © 

The Peace Building Committee of LGTRC is proud to offer participation in a “21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge ©”. The 21-Day Challenge concept was conceived several years ago by diversity expert Eddie Moore, Jr. to advance deeper understanding of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy, and oppression. We are grateful to him for publicly sharing and encouraging others to use this concept as an educational tool and to the American Bar Association (ABA) for curating the many options for daily consumption into a manageable list.
Sept. 22 thru Oct. 20  The 21-Day Challenge will begin on Tuesday, September 22 based on a syllabus developed by the ABA. The goal of the Challenge is to prompt discussion that assists each of us to become more aware, compassionate, constructive, engaged people in the quest for racial equity.
Voluntary and Personal  The Challenge is completely voluntary, and participation in the Challenge shall not be construed as agreement with every word of every assignment nor a commitment by any person to a professional position or strategy. Further, participants are free to opt out of participating along the way. There is no grade at the end of the Challenge. While it is not the intention of the Challenge to cause offense, some participants may be offended by some language used in the lessons.
Course Description  The Challenge invites participants to complete 21 short assignments (typically taking 15-30 minutes), over 21 consecutive days. Assignments include readings, videos, or podcasts. It is crafted to focus on the Black American experience as participants gain perspective on elements of Black history, identity, and culture, and to the Black community’s experience of racism in America. While this Black American focus cannot cover the full diversity of experiences and opinions even within the Black community itself, much less substitute for learnings about any other community of color, this is an introduction to what should start a rewarding journey that extends far beyond the limits of this project.
Weekly Online Discussions Participants will be offered a Zoom chat after each week of 7 challenges. We also recommend reading “How to be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi, to be discussed book-club style as the 4th Zoom discussion.
Register by September 19, 2020  When you select the REGISTER BUTTON you will connect with the Rotary District registration. For questions contact Nancy Gatschet at: nancy.gatschet75@gmail.com or 215-868-2993 She is maintaining the roster of participants and will notify all of the logistic details. The Challenge will begin on September 22 with the first discussion group on Tuesday, 9/29 and run through 10/20 concluding with the book discussion.
21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is the registered copyright of America & Moore, LLC. 2014.