Diversity  ⧫  Equity  ⧫  Inclusion

 To learn more, join the

21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge © 

Are you seeking a rational, constructive, non-divisive approach to exploring social justice here at home and across the country? The Peace Building Committee of the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club is about to launch such an exploration.
It’s called the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge. For three weeks we will spend a few minutes each day on a self-directed journey to advance a deeper understanding of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy and oppression. All wrapped around the search to improve our role in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
More details are included on the 21-Day Challenge Details page. It is a fully voluntary. Interactive online discussion responsive to a syllabus of multi-media materials that will punctuate the experience and hopefully enhance learning.
Register by September 19, 2020  When you select the REGISTER BUTTON you will connect with the Rotary District registration. For questions contact Nancy Gatschet at: nancy.gatschet75@gmail.com or 215-868-2993 She is maintaining the roster of participants and will notify all of the logistic details. The Challenge will begin on September 22 with the first discussion group on Tuesday, 9/29 and run through 10/20 concluding with the book discussion.
Join us for a lively, informative, enlightening three weeks.